The bony framework of the human thorax consists of the 12 thoracic vertebrae, 12 pairs of ribs, and the sternum (breastbone). In insects the thorax is the middle of the three major divisions of the body. It is composed of three parts, each of which commonly bears a pair of legs; the rearward two parts usually each bear a pair of wings.


The thorax is the area of the body situated between the neck and the abdomen. The thorax itself can be split up into various areas that contain important structures. The thorax is bound by bony structures including the 12 pairs of ribs and thoracic vertebrae, whilst also being supported by many ligaments and muscles.

Human Respiratory System Lungs. Perović D. Anatomija čovjeka. 4. izdanje, Medicinska knjiga.

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Demonstration section of the thorax 6. Demonstration section of peritoneal space 7. Demonstration section of retroperitoneal space and pelvic 8. Demonstration section of legs 9. Demonstration section of the brain: Literature: 1. Jalšovec D; Anatomija, Zagraf 2013; 1. Jalšovec D; Sustavna i topografska anatomija čovjeka, Školska knjiga Грудни кош је анатомска регија присутна код кичмењака која се налази у пределу прса.

Његова главна улога је држање на месту и заштита виталних органа.. Анатомија.


Medicinska biblioteka. Authors, Vasilije Nikolić, Predrag Keros. Illustrated by, Milivoj Mervar. The thorax has three pairs of segmented legs, one pair each for the three segments that compose the thorax and one or two pairs of wings.

ANATOMIJA ABDOMENA PDF - Title, Klinička anatomija abdomena. Medicinska biblioteka. Authors, Vasilije Nikolić, Predrag Keros. Illustrated by, Milivoj Mervar. Publisher, Naklada. This page was last edited on 27 Novemberat Interactive Anatomical atlas of the thorax,

Thorax anatomija

De vanligaste diagnoserna är kranskärlssjukdom, klaffel, pulsåderbråck och lungtumörer. 2014-06-27 · Plate 19: Blood vessels of the neck, thorax, and abdomen and arm forearm and hand. Plate 20: Veins of the arm, forearm and hand, the perineum and pelvis. Plate 21: Arteries of the pelvis, thigh, leg and foot.

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The thorax is the area of the body situated between the neck and the abdomen. The thorax itself can be split up into various areas that contain important structures. The thorax is bound by bony structures including the 12 pairs of ribs and thoracic vertebrae, whilst …

Donja granica prema trbušnom prostoru predstavlja dijafragmu. View Anatomija I - Thorax in Abdomen.docx from AA 1Anatomija I (thorax in abdomen) | Eva Kukec ANATOMIJA NOTRANJI ORGANI Izpiski iz skript za Anatomijo Eva Kukec 2015 Anatomija I (thorax in abdomen) One fine body….

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Систематска анатомија (го проучува човечкиот организам, обликот и Поделба на систематската анатомија Градниот кош (thorax) го сочинуваат :.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: 1. Muscles of thoracic walls.